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Confreda's New Natural Beef

Confreda's Locally Harvested Beef is the Newest Line of Fresh Meat Products at Confreda's Farm Market!

All of Confreda's "Locally Harvested Beef" Is
Locally Raised in the New England Area
USDA Certified Organic
Certified Grassfed
Never Any Antibiotics
Certified Humanely Raised
GMO Free
100% Pastured Raised

Confreda's Locally Harvested Beef is then aged for 30 Days to bring our the Best Beef flavors available! Eating one of these steaks is an experience that is nothing like traditional grain-Fed Beef. 

While This Beef might not give you the buttery flavor you are used to in Grain-Fed Beef, It makes up for in a better Beef Flavor, with none of the guilt!

This aging process all limits our availability, this beef will only be available seasonally on Weekends / Holidays!


Still Not Convinced?


local grassfed beef sticker.png
Just Look for this sticker on Any of our Beef Packages! 

How is Confreda's "Locally Harvested" Beef Better?


1. Local 100% grass-fed beef. By raising cattle here in the Northeast U.S.A. - instead of overseas or in western feedlots - we reduce food miles, revive the region’s farmland, sequester carbon and keep food dollars in the region where our customers live.  Each package of our meat is traceable to the Northeast farm where the animal was raised.

2. Healthy, happy animals. Our cattle are handled humanely throughout their lives. They are out on pasture year round, eating only grass and forage plus some hay in winter – no grain. No growth hormones or antibiotics either.

3. Consistently tasty and tender. Unlike other brands in the marketplace our beef always tastes great. Below are four key reasons why our beef is consistently healthy, tasty, and tender:

  • Our cattle are hardy, older breeds that thrive on a 100% grass-fed diet and produce tasty, tender meat.

  • Our farmers raise the cattle according to our protocol and standards.

  • Our meat is not lean. Intramuscular fat means flavor, and our beef has it, with a beneficial ratio of Omega 3 fatty acids to Omega 6s that is important for health.

  • Our skilled graziers fatten the cattle for market on the lush pastures of the Northeast, using rotational (multi-paddock) grazing – with no grain.


These cattle live in pastures from birth.  Their diet is grass and other pasture plants, with some hay in winter. They are healthy and robust without antibiotics or growth hormones; both types of drugs are prohibited by our farm protocol.

These calves are born in the spring or the fall.

They are born in the pasture, typically in a protected place chosen by the mother. Thanks to careful breeding, proper nutrition, and excellent health, they do not need help with birthing, and the calves thrive in their mother’s care. Our protocol requires that calves remain with their mothers to nurse for five months at a minimum, with ten months preferred.


In the Northeast, pastures are lush from April to October, but even in winter, when the grass has stopped growing and is often covered in snow, given a choice, these sturdy animals prefer to be outdoors, and either graze on stockpiled grass or eat hay. They develop thick, furry coats that protect them, even from harsh winter weather.

Most of their time is spent grazing, or resting and socializing in small groups of their own choosing.

Our Locally Harvested Beef Comes from These Participating Farms!



OMG Farm North - Amherst
Austin Family Far - Belchertown
Rotokawa Estates - Hardwick
Sweetwater Farm - Petersham
Walter Jaworski - Northfield
Weatherlow Farm - Westport


Brian McNeice - Halifax
Shaker Farm - East Pownal
Luke Barnaby - Tunbridge
Lucas Family Farm - Orwell
High Ridge Meadow - E. Randolph
Meeting Place Pastures - Cornwall
Cornwall Cattle Co - Cornwall
Snug valley farm E. - Hardwick

New York

Herondale Farm - Ancramdale
St Croix Farm - Valley Falls
Phil Skif - Greenwich
Marchaland Farms - Greenwich
Frye Angus Beef - Argyle
Stone Barns - Tarreytown
Mike Bolster - Fort Plain
Stonewall Pastures - Delhi
John Shepard - Delhi
G&T Farm - Richfield Springs
Mike Barnes - Hubbardsville
Jesse Hershberger – Canastota


Beef is a health food if it comes from cattle that are raised entirely on well-managed pasture – no grain ever. Beef provides complete protein for humans, and 100% grass-fed beef has tremendous health benefits:

  • Laboratory tests confirm that our 100% grass-fed beef contains a perfect ratio of Omega 3 fatty acids to Omega 6, a ratio similar to salmon. Excess Omega 6 - as found in corn-fed beef - can foster cardiovascular disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders, all of which are suppressed by Omega 3s.

  • Meat and dairy products from grass-fed ruminants are the richest known source of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), which may be one of our most potent defenses against cancer.

  • Grass-fed meat has seven times more vitamin A and three times more vitamin E than feedlot beef.

  • Also, rotational grazing improves soil health and fertility so that nutrients essential to human health are passed from the soil to the grasses and legumes that are eaten by the cattle; this ensures that the meat is nutrient-dense, that is, high in nutrition relative to the amount of calories.

  • Problems associated with feedlot beef, such as Mad Cow, E.coli, and antibiotics, are avoided by eating grass-fed beef.


Address: 2150 Scituate Ave.

Hope (Western Cranston), RI


Phone: 1-401-827-5000
Loam: 1-401-737-7662

© 2018 by Confreda Greenhouses & Farms 

Rhode Island GAP Certified 

90 Years of Excellence



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